Friday, November 21, 2014

You Say Australia, I Say Yummy!

You say Australia, I say delicious!

Not to say that the British are monotonous and boring just a legacy from the kitchen to the coast of Australia is standard lamb and three vegetables (or meat and three vegetables). After all, it was in the 1830s, while the English immigrants to live modest - a simple, inexpensive and easy to cook food was the way to go thereafter. If, for example, they are in the cookbook ask them suddenly to heat the oven at 350 F for an hour, they just go to the next page.

But Australia is more attractive than ever. Wave of Asian immigration, Greeks, Italians, Germans, Africans, and everyone else, finally brought the wonderful local cuisine on Australian beaches. So what results is a melting pot of Hana worlds beautiful fusion of gastronomy worldwide.

And why not? Australia is surrounded by clean water, has a rich pasture for cattle and sheep, lots of good sun in the vineyard and farms rays. Australia can never run out of fresh lemon aspen, bar, abalone, yabby, Sparkling Chardonnay olive grove. There is no reason for cooks not to go out with bad creations like grilled tuna with lemon slices or macadamia dressing Kingfish served with oyster sauce or Kilpatrick. Then top it off with the wrong time Pavlova candy, fluffy meringue Australian and decorated with whipped cream and fresh fruit.

Of course, we can always go on praising the culinary wonders of Australia, but it is time that I came here to see for yourself and be amazed and surprised why not I think of days before going here.

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