Saturday, November 15, 2014

Hotels: How to Get Free Gifts

Planning to visit Las Vegas or any other resort where casinos are a big part of their business? I just have the thing for you. Here, I'll show you how to spend such a high roller and collect many complimentary items and gifts.

What is the secret? The secret is that you have to think you are rich and love gambling. In short, you have to go to a High Roller. Why? Hotels love high rollers because these players leave behind thousands of dollars each visit. The real cool part about this is that if you work role, casinos will seduce you with the same gifts and free materials to be a real high roller you will get.

How? It is easy to deceive hotels and resorts with a little ingenuity and real confidence. It can be done.

1) the way you dress: elegant and smart is the way to go. Removing a baseball cap, t-shirt and jeans. Try to wear a suit or at least a regular buttoned shirt with an elegant dark jacket. It was Shakespeare who said that clothes make the man, and so, too, when you go to a resort hotel. You judge according to the way they dress, even in that role.

2) a large block of notes: Yes. Just like in the movies. Carrying a large bouquet of notes with you and keep them in plain sight. Not really much to take with you. Instead, take notes and put them at the top and bottom of the note of the actual size of pieces of paper. Just remember to never expose that you are in the casino. The use of other notes in your wallet instead. But doing so carelessly that no member of the casino staff notice.

3) observations always flash your question: No matter where you go, if the restaurant for lunch or at the bar. Will look. From time to time, and use this money to play in a variety of table games or video game and bet some of that money. Remember, you must use part of the money to play, but just do not use it at all.

4) perform complex games: This is one of the most problematic things to do and requires training at home. Learn how to put yourself and wager on games of high turnover, such as roulette, baccarat, craps and. You can also play poker or Texas Hold'em Ante tables in a larger, but in any case stick to your plan and will soon reap the flowers.

Conclusion: Above, I have outlined some of the more practical that you can save money by receiving gifts from the casino methods. These range from gift cards casino images (from free money to play), and addresses the room in which you can get almost free will of others, and as many free drinks, clothes, coupons stores in Las Vegas and many others. We note that what you are doing here is completely legal, provided that it does not take a false name or falsify your identity card.

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