Saturday, November 15, 2014

All You Need To Know When You Travel Australia's Outback --Part One

Australia is not called remote and border areas in the past on the planet for nothing. Besides, does not call for anything amazing either. It is known that the remote areas where it appeared later, it alone can be anywhere on the map means. Alternatively, he refuses to be mapped. It is one of the most magical places, breathtaking and simply beautiful tour ever. It is a feast for the senses as it is a challenge to the mind. Lush landscaping, red mountains and crazy rock formations, and the venerable desert in a big sky, wildlife and strong, are just some of the beautiful and exotic gems to detect in the travel Outback.As Australia many Australian outback is beautiful, and can also be dangerous. This is no exaggeration. That is why, in the list of tips below should travel in the safest and most fun remote areas all the way to help you.

    Things to bring the lens of the camera (with extra batteries) sunglasses hat with a wide brim sunscreen of at least SPF30 driza bone (dry as a bone) waterproof boots duffle coat repellent lotion good first aid kit pocket knife lamp Swiss mobile phone (with charger and spare batteries) CB radio and GPS compass portable water (at least three liters per person per day), food and water, non-perishable matches or a lighter tent camping bed, and finally, many will

For your 4 wheel drive (4WD and should be if you really want to get anywhere in remote areas) gasoline engine oil excess water from the spare wheel (in the case of boiling engine) maps
Adventures Today this group and are typically offered to travel to the Australian outback adventures in a small group organized groups. It may not be romantic, as in the case when it was just the two of you, but at least the team around course. And there is less chance of getting lost. Will tour the experienced guides lead your bag while dishing bits of information and anecdotes about signts along the way.

Rule of thumb: stick to the group and stick to marked to not lose track.
Australia bring remote Hakim too hot during the day, and then dive into the cold of the night. For this reason, pack a selection of clothing, this lightweight cotton (for the day) for a long time, while hiking in the bush or trekking through the grasslands known. Of course, if you limit your day at the campfire the night outdoors, and get warm wool pants and wool sweaters.

Swap sandals and shoes for your most rugged and protective. Also hat and sunglasses to protect you from brimmed harsh Australian sun. The rich, lavish you with a sunscreen of at least SPF 30.
Rule of thumb: slip, slop, slap. Slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat!

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